How we safeguard your private information

Privacy Statement

Niche Advice (referred to in this privacy statement as "we", "our" or "us") takes your privacy and protection of your information very seriously. We are bound by the Privacy Act 2020 when handling personal information. We collect, hold, use, and disclose your personal information in accordance with this privacy statement.

The purpose of this privacy statement is also to inform you of your rights in relation to your personal information. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact our Privacy Officer by email: or by sending a letter to:

Susan Templeton, Director
PO Box 32 464 Devonport
Auckland 0744

We reserve the right to update this privacy statement at any time and for any reason, so we encourage you to make sure that you are familiar with the current version of our privacy policy. Any change we make applies from the date the updated Privacy Policy is posted on our website.

What is personal information?

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual. It includes (but is not limited to) name, address, contact details, date of birth, occupations, payment details, employment history and/or details, education and qualifications, financial information, testimonials and feedback,  evidence of source of funds or source of wealth (in some cases) and other information.

Why do we collect personal information?

We only collect personal information to conduct our business, to provide you (if you are a client) our services, email (subject to you giving us your consent) updates, event invitations and publications that we think you may be interested in, and to meet all our legal obligations (including in relation to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism legislation). You do not have to voluntarily provide your personal information to us. However, if you do not provide us with certain personal information we request, we may not be able to provide our services to you or perform our obligation.

How do we collect your personal information?

Except as otherwise permitted by law, most of the personal information we collect is provided directly by you, or your authorised representative. We collect personal information about you when you visit our website, participate in any of our surveys, request (over telephone, email, social media such as Facebook) our advice or service, ask us to send you our publications (such as newsletters), or when you otherwise interact with us.  Please be aware that when you send us any information over the internet you send it at your own risk because the internet is not a secure environment.

We may also collect personal information from you through registration and attendance at seminars, business cards, and social media channels.

In some instances, we may collect your personal information from third parties - for example:

  • we may use third parties to analyse traffic at our websites or to provide information security-related services, and social media channels, which may involve the use of cookies; and
  • in some circumstances we might collect personal information about an individual from a third party, such as an employment reference from another person; and

We may also collect personal information about you from publicly available websites.

To whom might we disclose personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • Other companies or individuals who assist us in providing services or who perform functions on our behalf (such as mailing houses, hosting and data storage providers, specialist consultants and legal advisers);
  • Product providers (such as but not limited to lenders and insurance companies);
  • Financial advisers and financial advice providers who may use our services;
  • Other companies or individuals who perform checks (such as but not limited to compliance reviews and audits) that are necessary or desirable under law on our behalf;
  • Other companies, agencies or individuals that maintain databases against which your identity may be verified, which may include (but is not limited to) the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs, and New Zealand Transport Agency;
  • Social media sites on which we may have a presence;
  • Courts, tribunals and regulatory authorities (such as the Financial Markets Authority, and Ministry of Justice in New Zealand);
  • Office of the Ombudsman, where a complaint relates to official information;
  • Any person or agency we believe could assist in responding to a serious privacy breach.
  • Office of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, where a complaint relates to a breach of the Privacy Act 2020;
  • Human Rights Commission, where a complaint relates to discrimination;
  • CERT NZ, where appropriate to assist with the management of a voluntarily notified privacy breach
  • Overseas privacy regulator, where a complaint relates to the actions of an overseas agency; and
  • Anyone else to whom you authorise us to disclose it.

Except as described above, we will not disclose your personal information without your written or oral consent, unless we are required to do so by applicable law.

Storage of personal information

We may store your personal information we collect in any format we choose at our offices at 2nd Tower, Devonport Wharf, Marine Square, Devonport, Auckland 0624 or at premises outside our offices, including data storage facilities or online storage located within or outside New Zealand, which may be operated by independent service contractors.

Where your personal information is transferred outside New Zealand we will ensure the intended recipient has provided appropriate safeguards and that requisite rights and remedies in relation to the personal information remain available, or we will obtain your explicit consent for the transfer.

Management of personal information

We take reasonable steps to protect the security of personal information. All our personnel (including but not limited to third-party service providers) are required to hold personal information and the privacy of individuals in confidence.

We take reasonable steps (such as, but not limited to, use of physical security and restricted access to electronic records) to protect the personal information we hold from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

Where we no longer require your personal information, we will comply with our legal obligations in respect of that information.

Your right to access and correct the personal information that we hold

You have the right to request access to any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think that it is wrong.  If you’d like to exercise that right or ask us anything else in relation to your privacy, please ask the person you are dealing with, send us an email: or send a letter to:

The Privacy Officer
Niche Advice
PO Box 32 464
Devonport, Auckland 0744

Last updated: 1 June 2024

Terms and Conditions

This website is owned and maintained by Niche Advice Limited. Please read these website terms and conditions carefully before continuing to use or browse this website. By accessing and using this website you are deemed to have accepted these website terms and conditions and agreed to be bound by them. Niche Advice Limited reserves the right to change or modify the website terms and conditions at any time, without giving you prior notice. Any change will take effect once posted on this website.

You must not use this website for any unlawful purpose.

  1. About this Website

    The information and services described on this website are of a general nature and are not intended as personalised financial advice to a retail client. The information on this website is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. You may seek appropriate personalised financial advice from a qualified professional to suit your individual circumstances.

  2. Disclosure of important information

    The IMPORTANT INFORMATION of this website contains important information. We strongly recommend you read this information before engaging with Niche Advice Limited.

  3. No Warranties
    While every effort is made to ensure the information on this website is up-to-date and correct, Niche Advice Limited makes no representations or warranties of any kind, Room or implied, about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, suitability or availability of the website or the information about the products and services provided on the website. The information on this website is subject to change at any time and may, at times, be out of date, inaccurate and/or incomplete. Niche Advice Limited is under no obligation and accepts no responsibility, to update any information on this website or correct any errors in the information after it is published on the website nor does Niche Advice Limited accept any liability for any failure to do so. Any reference on this website to historical information and the performance of a product or service may not necessarily be a good guide to future performance. You are solely responsible for any actions you take or do not take by relying on such information.
  4. No Liability
    To the full extent legally allowable the directors, contractors, business associates, consultants and staff of Niche Advice Limited expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to any person in respect of anything, and of the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this website. The disclaimers and limitations of liability do not prejudice your rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, nor are they intended to exclude liability arising under statute.
  5. NZ Jurisdiction

    The information published on this website is governed by, and has been prepared to comply with, New Zealand law. The information is only intended for persons within the New Zealand jurisdiction and is not intended for persons outside the New Zealand jurisdiction. Niche Advice Limited does not accept responsibility for the compliance of this information with the laws of any other country. The laws of New Zealand shall govern your use of this website and by visiting this website you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts.

    To the fullest extent permitted by law, Niche Advice Limited will not be liable for any failure of this website to comply with the laws of any other country.

  6. Virus protection
    Although Niche Advice Limited regularly updates its virus protection software, it does not warrant that the server that makes the information and contents of this website available is free of viruses or bugs. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements for the correct display and/or presentation of any material contained on this website.
  7. Linked Websites

    Through this website, you may be able to link to other websites which are neither under the control of, nor monitored by, Niche Advice Limited, and it has no knowledge of or control over the nature, content, and availability of those websites. Responsibility for the content and privacy practices of these linked websites rests solely with the owners of those websites, not Niche Advice Limited.

    Niche Advice Limited does not in any way, sponsor, recommend, or endorse anything contained on these linked websites. Niche Advice Limited does not accept any liability of any description for any loss suffered by you by relying on anything contained or not contained on these linked websites.

  8. Website availability
    Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Niche Advice Limited takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, any loss you may suffer due to the website being temporarily unavailable either during its planned maintenance or due to technical or other issues beyond our control.
  9. Calculators (when present)
    Calculators provided on this website are to be used as a guide and are intended to provide you with an indication or illustration only. The calculators do not take into account your individual financial situation, goals, or objectives. Use of the calculators does not constitute personalised financial advice to retail clients. Before you make any decisions based on the information obtained using these calculators you should seek professional advice. The output from the calculators is not an offer of finance from Niche Advice. All applications for finance are subject to the lending criteria of respective lenders, and applicable fees and charges. The information collected in this calculator may be passed between calculators and our online application form.
  10. Intellectual Property
    All materials on this website are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and are the property of Niche Advice Limited unless otherwise explicitly stated. The website may also contain a number of trademarks, logos, and symbols that are either owned by Niche Mortgages Limited or used with the approval of the symbol owner.  Nothing on the website should be construed as granting any license to use any trademark without the permission of the trademark owner. Any material on this website that is identified as being subject to the copyright of a third party, authorisation to use or reproduce such material must be obtained from that third party. Unless stated otherwise, you may access and download the materials located on this website only for personal, non-commercial use.
  11. Cookies

    By using or accessing this website, you are giving consent to Niche Advice Limited for using cookies to collect data about each visit to this website.  Cookies are text-only pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive or other website-browsing equipment for record-keeping purposes. Cookies allow the website to remember important information that will make your use of the site more convenient. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, dates and times of visits, pages accessed, documents opened, and links clicked, and a randomly generated unique number or other value. Like most websites, we use cookies for a variety of purposes to improve your online experience, for analytics and for marketing.

    Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website.

    Persistent cookies remain in the cookie file of your browser for much longer (though how long will depend on the lifetime of the specific cookie). When we use session cookies to track the total number of visitors to our website, this is done on an anonymous aggregate basis (as cookies do not in themselves carry any personal data). We may also employ cookies so that we remember your computer when it is used to return to the website to help customize your experience of website use. We may associate personal information with a cookie file in those instances. Use the options in your web browser if you do not wish to receive a cookie or if you wish to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. You can easily delete any cookies that have been installed in the cookie folder of your browser.

Last updated: 1 June 2024