12 articles

Homebuyer Checklist

Handy tool for following the process of buying a home from whoa to go in New Zealand

Getting Grounded Back Home in New Zealand

Landing on your feet has a lot to do with your attitude toward change and being prepared to take command of your future.

Are You Homeward Bound?

Check out our Mortgage Tips for returning Kiwis and Expats moving to New Zealand

To Rent or Not?

Rental stress or lifestyle relief? The choice is yours and the facts may surprise you.

Are You a Credit Fiasco?

Hot tips on how to secure your good name and protect your credit score before it's too late.

Hell-OOOO Buyers' Market!

We are so glad you returned to New Zealand after more than a decade. And now for the fun part... cruising open homes for the perfect back garden!

Is Your Credit Safe in New Zealand?

The hows and whys of protecting your credit in New Zealand.

Whose Advice Is It Anyway?

Economists love to make predictions. Don't take that as advice!

Behold the Buyer's Market!

A buyer's market is a beautiful thing...

Property Chit Chat

Goodtonic Podcaster, Louise Roke, interviews Susan Templeton as they dig deep into all things property.

100% Organic Life in New Zealand

Reaching your vision can sometimes be a stretch...

Rule #1 for Modern Investors

When you truly, madly, deeply love real estate...